The stethoscope has remained relatively unchanged since the 1930's. There have been, however,
several different experimental stethoscopes. The most notable of these is the
'SYMBALLOPHONE' of Dr. William Kerr in the 1940's. This was very similar to Alison's
differential model, but used two diaphragms rather than bell chest-pieces.

Kerr Symballophone, Mutter Museum

Kerr Symballophone, my collection

Kerr Symballophone

Left photo courtesy of the Mutter Museum

Right Photo from my collection

The newer models have both the bell and diaphragm interchange able in the same chest piece. The
hallmark of the physician, the stethoscope opened new worlds to the art of diagnosis, and remains
the most valuable diagnostic tool available and the rest, as they say ......... is history.

Kehler's stethoscope

Kehler's improved stethoscope

Pulaski stethoscope

Pilling "Gordon" stethoscope

Bowles stethoscope

Dr. Kehler's Stethoscope

Dr. Kehler's Improved Stethoscope

Pulaski Stethoscope

Pilling "Gordon" Stethoscope

Bowles Stethoscope

Bowles-Pilling combination stethoscope

De-Lee Hillis fetal stethoscope

Fleischer stethoscope

Rieger-Bowles stethoscope

Pilling stethoscope

RCA electronic stethoscope

Bowles-Pilling Combination Stethoscope

De-Lee Hillis Fetal Stethoscope

Fleisher Stethoscope

Rieger-Bowles Stethoscope

Pilling Stethoscope

Electronic Stethoscope, RCA company, 1942

I hope you have enjoyed the tour of the stethoscope. Please come back soon
as this page is updated regularly.

I am always interested in acquiring new items for my collection, and am anxious to talk to dealers and collectors. If you have any items for sale, or have any comments, questions, or corrections, please do not hesitate to contact me.